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 [victrix] preview islamique

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Messages : 4461
Date d'inscription : 21/01/2013
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[victrix] preview islamique Empty
MessageSujet: [victrix] preview islamique   [victrix] preview islamique EmptyVen 11 Oct - 20:35

[victrix] preview islamique Main-render-photo-2_800x
[victrix] preview islamique Islamic-cav---main-render-photo_800x
[victrix] preview islamique Islamic-shields---strip_800x

It's been a while since we've given a update on all things Medieval... there's lots going on in the background, so we thought we'd do a quick recap!

Our evergrowing Medieval and Crusades range covers the 12th and 13th Centuries, and if you include our Norman range you can start from the 1 st Crusade in the 11 th Century all the way to the last Crusader state at the end of the 13 th Century.

As you know, our Medieval mounted knights are already available, and these have been a fantastic success. The knights were our biggest release to date, and soon they will be joined by Eastern forces, starting with Islamic infantry and then Islamic heavy cavalry.

Following not too far behind will be the Foot Knights and then later, the Foot Sergeants (new renders can be seen below, with lot's more to follow).

But we won't be stopping there, we have some things in the pipeline for this range which will have you guys salivating! We will share these in due course. Let us know if there's anything you are hoping for...

After the success of the Western Medieval Knights, we turn Eastwards next with the release of the Islamic Infantry & Archers set. These will be ready very soon, so be ready!

Hot on their heels will be the Islamic cavalry, which is shaping up to be a truly magnificent set.

The Islamic Infantry & Archers:

This set comprises of 48 figures. These represent Islamic infantry of the Middle East and Spain from the 7 th Century onwards into the Crusader era of the 12 th and 13 th centuries.

This set will allow you to create spearmen, swordsmen and archers, plus you get command figure parts such as standard bearer arms, trumpets and drums to create the loud cacophony that accompanied Islamic troops into battle.

There are 22 individual heads to choose from on each frame giving you 132 heads in total!

The archer figures can be made into spearmen and the spearmen figures can be made into archers, so there is a massive amount of variation can be achieved with this new set.

A BIG range of LBMS shield transfers and flag sheets will be accompanying these new figures.
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